Friday, February 20, 2009


It has been a tiring week, cause i'm still not very use to working for such long hours. Plus, i gotta spent about 2 hours traveling to and fro my workplace, & have walk long distances every single day. Mp3 & zm's smses are my companions which help me to survive through the boring journeys. All the squeezing s in the train is really driving me nuts, i'm beginning to hate taking trains because of that.

So far, no "lunch alone" for me and i get to walk around e mall whenever my colleagues go for shopping trips! I look forward to 6.15pm everyday, even though i'm not always release on time. Below are the main stuffs which kept me occupied this week.

  • I checked 240 shop's address
  • I made 200 plus calls
  • & got scolded by some retarded man

  • Looked through npp ads and did analysis on them
  • Did other admin stuffs

  • Made several calls to arrange for meet up sessions
  • Did analysis on 1000 customer's profile

  • Distribute mailers to the shoppers
  • & to hundred over shops in the mall
  • Which made my hands and legs ache so badly

Now, my hand joints are still aching due to carrying mailers which are so heavy. Its saturday today and yet i still cant ve a proper rest, have to work on my assignment later on!

I miss watching movies and having nice dinners !

Monday, February 16, 2009


First day of work. & it was good except for the traveling part.

  • Lots of stuffs to learn and do
  • I almost fell asleep upon listening to the never-ending briefings
  • Being tested on marketing theories and concepts
  • (Luckily, exams just ended)
  • Met nice and friendly colleagues
  • (Lunch treat from them!)
  • But i simply hate the crowds in the train

Life is going to be busy for this 10 weeks! Seems hectic but i guess i will enjoy my work over there & my upcoming weekend is going to be burnt, cause i have to spend time doing my assignment due next week. I cant wait for mall events to be held soon. :D

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I'm so glad that exams are finally over.I managed to survive through exams period with the help of pills and brand essence. Hope that i had done well or at least fine for my 5 papers.

  • Had lunch at Ajisen after exams!
  • & shopping plus chit-chat sessions (:

  • it's Valentines
  • Streets were filled with lots of people
  • Restaurants were fully packed
  • I really detest going out during weekends
  • Because of the crowds
  • But i went shopping again for my formal wear
  • & movie session after which

Attachment is going to start tmrw. Which also mean, days that i have to spend, traveling and eating alone. 8.30am to 6pm from Monday to Friday!
But still, i will be available for dinner dates (:

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Study break is a torture! Time passes so slowly, one day seems almost like one year! & sleepless nights are back to haunt me even before exams commence. Tell me how do i survive for another 8 more days? Seriously, i dont even know what's wrong with my brain and my heart. I need some relaxation therapy to calm myself down and to overcome my fear of not being able to get to sleep.

Caught Bridewars on Tuesday with Nel. Quite a nice show, especially when you watched it with your best friend! (:

Please tell me that i will be fine.