Saturday, January 24, 2009


Chinese New Year is reaching in a day's time.
But i'm not looking forward to it, not even just a lil bit,

Simply because:
  • Exams are coming
  • My 10 weeks attachment is going to start
  • 16th Feb to 23rd April
  • 10 weeks of weekly work to be completed
  • 1200-1500 words attachment report
  • & there comes year 3 on 26th April

Worse still, there's no holidays for us. I need my holidays so badly after one hectic semester filled with never ending tests and projects almost every week. At least, there's something to look forward to, 13th Feb! Ajisen with friends after exams.

I wanna get myself a PUMA jacket before school starts! :D

& i went jogging today! It's a great achievement for me, cause im always finding excuses not to exercise due to my laziness.

Take me away to Venice ?

Friday, January 16, 2009


Finally, semester 2 is coming to an end.
Which also means that exams are coming real soon.

Five papers from 9th-13th Feb.
I hope i wont ve any difficulties falling asleep.
So far, results that i ve got back werent that bad.
I see hopes! :D

But sad to say, im taking the module calculus in year 3.
Shouldn't ve dropped A maths during O levels.
I hated it so much, but no choice. I need it for my uni admission.
Got to LOVE it no matter what.

Jap role play and ICT quiz next week!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


7th January 2009
Jaslyn's nineteen birthday!

Mango Mousse from Bakerzin !

Happy nineteen, ,my stress buddy! :D

Me, Jas & Sp

Taken at Popeye T3!

With TK.

Din manage to have a proper birthday celebration with Jaslyn as we were both sick, couldnt eat Popeye as planned! But the mashed potatoes there were delicious. Can someone bring me there again?

After which, we sent zhiyin off for her flight to Germany.

Group photo!

Me, robin and zy!

Presenting our NYP's School hunk!

My good friend in NYP!

Group hug before zy leave for Germany.

Hand-made with love.

I hate parting scenes, seriously. Just had video calls with zhi yin using Skype. Glad to know that she's doing fine at Germany. 103 days more! (:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Within three weeks, i fall sick twice.

I feel so terrible and horrible every night while trying to sleep, cause of the pain which is killing me. To add on, this week is a bad and hectic week. 2 presentations, 2 projects due and 2 tests in 3 days. Really sorry group mates! Din manage to turn up for project meetings or to help you guys out.

As for tests, i lost many marks due to carelessness! My As are gone just like that. How i wish i can just bang my head on the wall. Mistakes like these during exams are DEFINITELY not allowed.

I'm so glad that there is no school today :)

If an apple a day really keeps the doctor away, i wouldn't mind eating it everyday. & get well soon everyone!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


As a friend,

She's always there to
Encourage and motivate me
Comfort me whenever i'm feeling down
listen to my rantings on school work and personal matters
Helping me out with projects and tests
Accompany me for shopping trips
And not forgetting what she has done for my 18teen birthday!

As the class rep of mk0703, she's

More than just responsible
The book to all our questions
Always helping out if we ve got difficulties
Never fails to remind us about impt deadlines
the best organiser for class gatherings

Do takecare of yourself at Germany. I'm going to miss you and your craziness. Lets go out together again when you are back. Cycling, Sentosa, Shopping and alot more places!

From strangers, we became classmates & now, good friends.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I've decided to move cause i felt like there's a need to. At the same time, i shall also copy and paste my new year resolutions here.

& it's a brand new beginning.

Sleep early & wake up early. I have been sleeping late ever since i started working last year. I need to stop myself from always yawning during tutorials and lectures.

Eat more veggies and fruits. So that i wont fall sick easily. It feels so terrible being sick.

Study hard, play hard and work hard. I hope there will be more gatherings with my sec school & poly friends. Haven been meeting them for quite sometime already. And i miss pool, shopping, cycling and eating sessions with my poly friends! But most importantly, i need to study hard to get my desired GPA!

To be happier than before. Overall, 2008 is a good year for me despite all the unhappiness. And, i hope 2009 will be much better. Please make me happy! I will appreciate it lots (:

Lastly, not to be stress. So that i can sleep well every single night.