Friday, January 2, 2009


I've decided to move cause i felt like there's a need to. At the same time, i shall also copy and paste my new year resolutions here.

& it's a brand new beginning.

Sleep early & wake up early. I have been sleeping late ever since i started working last year. I need to stop myself from always yawning during tutorials and lectures.

Eat more veggies and fruits. So that i wont fall sick easily. It feels so terrible being sick.

Study hard, play hard and work hard. I hope there will be more gatherings with my sec school & poly friends. Haven been meeting them for quite sometime already. And i miss pool, shopping, cycling and eating sessions with my poly friends! But most importantly, i need to study hard to get my desired GPA!

To be happier than before. Overall, 2008 is a good year for me despite all the unhappiness. And, i hope 2009 will be much better. Please make me happy! I will appreciate it lots (:

Lastly, not to be stress. So that i can sleep well every single night.